| 2016Directed by: Damien Leone
Main Plot
"Terrifier," directed by Damien Leone, follows the harrowing events of Halloween night as two young women, Tara and Dawn, encounter a sinister and sadistic clown named Art. After a night out, the women find themselves targeted by Art, who subjects them to a series of increasingly gruesome and violent acts. As the night progresses, the clown's relentless pursuit escalates, drawing in other unsuspecting victims. The film delves into a nightmarish scenario where survival becomes a desperate struggle against a seemingly unstoppable force of evil. The tension and horror build to a climactic confrontation, leaving a lasting impact on those who encounter Art's malevolent presence.
- Jenna Kanell plays Tara Heyes, a central character who becomes one of Art the Clown's primary targets, driving much of the film's suspense and horror.
- Samantha Scaffidi plays Victoria Heyes, the protagonist's sister who survives Art the Clown's attack and becomes disfigured, setting up a potential continuation of the horror storyline.
- David Howard Thornton plays Art the Clown, a sadistic and silent killer who terrorizes and brutally murders his victims on Halloween night.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "Terrifier," directed by Damien Leone, the film reaches its climax with a series of brutal and shocking events. Art the Clown, the film's sadistic antagonist, continues his relentless and gruesome killing spree. The final scenes focus on Tara's sister, Victoria, who becomes Art's primary target after discovering the carnage he has left behind. Victoria endures a harrowing ordeal as she tries to escape Art's clutches. Despite her efforts, she is ultimately captured and subjected to horrific violence. Art's sadism peaks when he mutilates Victoria's face, leaving her severely disfigured. The police arrive just as Art appears to have taken his own life by shooting himself in the head. The film concludes with a twist: Art's body is taken to the morgue, where he inexplicably resurrects, suggesting his supernatural nature and leaving the door open for future terror. The final scene reveals Victoria in a hospital, now horribly scarred and mentally broken, hinting at the lasting impact of Art's brutality. This ending underscores the relentless and unending nature of the horror inflicted by Art the Clown.