| 2020Directed by: Pete Docter, Kemp Powers
Main Plot
"Soul," directed by Pete Docter and Kemp Powers, follows Joe Gardner, a middle school music teacher with dreams of becoming a professional jazz musician. After a successful audition, Joe experiences an accident that separates his soul from his body. He finds himself in the Great Before, a place where souls develop personalities before heading to Earth. Joe meets 22, a soul who has never found her "spark" for life. Together, they embark on a journey to help Joe return to his body and 22 discover her purpose. Through their adventures, both characters learn profound lessons about passion, purpose, and the simple joys of living.
- Jamie Foxx voices Joe Gardner, a middle school music teacher and aspiring jazz musician who embarks on a journey to find his true purpose.
- Tina Fey voices 22, a soul who helps Joe Gardner discover the true meaning of life and passion in the afterlife.
- Moonwind, voiced by Graham Norton, is a spiritual sign twirler who helps lost souls find their way and assists the protagonist in navigating the afterlife.
Ending Explained
In the movie "Soul," directed by Pete Docter and Kemp Powers, the ending sees protagonist Joe Gardner, a middle school music teacher and aspiring jazz musician, coming to a profound realization about life. After a series of transformative events in the afterlife and the Great Before, Joe helps 22, a soul who has never found her "spark," discover the joys of living. Joe sacrifices his chance to return to Earth to give 22 an opportunity to live her life. However, the Jerry entities, impressed by Joe's selflessness, grant him another chance at life. Joe returns to Earth with a renewed perspective, understanding that life is not just about achieving one's dreams but appreciating the small, everyday moments that make it meaningful. The film concludes with Joe stepping out of his apartment, ready to embrace life with a newfound sense of purpose and gratitude, symbolizing his growth and the realization that every moment holds value. This ending underscores the film's central theme that the essence of life lies in the journey and the experiences along the way, rather than solely in one's accomplishments.