Main Plot
In "Nocturnal Animals," directed by Tom Ford, the story unfolds through a dual narrative structure, interweaving the present and a novel within the film. Susan Morrow, a wealthy art gallery owner, receives a manuscript titled "Nocturnal Animals" from her ex-husband, Edward Sheffield, whom she hasn't seen in years. As Susan reads the novel, the film shifts to depict the story within the book, a gripping tale of violence and revenge set in the desolate West Texas landscape. This fictional narrative centers on Tony Hastings, a man who endures a traumatic road trip with his family, leading to devastating consequences. Back in the real world, Susan becomes increasingly absorbed by the novel, which she interprets as a veiled threat and a symbolic revenge tale reflecting their past relationship. The novel forces Susan to confront her feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction with her current life. The film explores themes of love, betrayal, and revenge, using the novel as a mirror to examine the characters' deeper emotional states and past decisions.
- Amy Adams plays Susan Morrow, an art gallery owner who receives a disturbing manuscript from her ex-husband, leading her to confront her past choices and current discontent.
- Jake Gyllenhaal plays Edward Sheffield, a writer who sends his ex-wife a novel symbolizing their relationship and his emotional turmoil, intertwining reality with fictional revenge.
- Michael Shannon plays Detective Bobby Andes, who assists the protagonist in investigating his wife and daughter's abduction and murder in the novel within the film.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "Nocturnal Animals," directed by Tom Ford, the narrative converges on themes of revenge, regret, and realization. The film ends with Susan Morrow, played by Amy Adams, reflecting on her past decisions and the novel sent to her by her ex-husband, Edward Sheffield, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal. The novel, also titled "Nocturnal Animals," is a violent and tragic story that Susan interprets as a symbolic representation of Edward's pain and revenge for the way she ended their relationship. The final scene is set in a posh restaurant where Susan, after finishing the novel and deeply affected by its contents, arranges to meet Edward. She sees this meeting as an opportunity to possibly reconnect and make amends. Susan arrives at the restaurant, dressed elegantly and waits expectantly for Edward. However, as time passes, it becomes evident that Edward will not show up. The film closes with Susan sitting alone, her face a mixture of realization and regret, as she comes to terms with the consequences of her actions and the realization that Edward has moved on, using his novel as a final statement of closure and emotional retribution. This ending underscores the themes of loss, the impact of choices, and the inescapable nature of past actions.