| 2023Directed by: Anthony DiBlasi
Main Plot
"Malum," directed by Anthony DiBlasi, centers on a rookie police officer named Jessica Loren who volunteers to work the last shift at a decommissioned police station. Her assignment is to oversee the final transition of evidence and property. As the night progresses, Jessica encounters a series of disturbing and supernatural events that reveal the station's dark past. She discovers that her father, a former officer, had a tragic connection to a violent cult that once terrorized the town. As the night unfolds, Jessica must confront her deepest fears and unravel the sinister secrets that haunt the station, leading to a climactic and terrifying confrontation. The film blends psychological horror with supernatural elements, creating an atmosphere of suspense and dread.
- Jessica Sula plays Jessica Loren, a rookie police officer tasked with guarding a decommissioned station, uncovering dark secrets and facing supernatural threats throughout the night.
- Monroe Cline portrays Jessica, a rookie cop confronting supernatural forces while uncovering her father's dark past in a haunted police station.
- Valerie Loo plays Officer Jessica Loren, a rookie cop tasked with her first shift at a decommissioned police station, uncovering dark secrets and facing supernatural threats.
Ending Explained
In the movie "Malum," directed by Anthony DiBlasi, the conclusion centers around Officer Jessica Loren, who is stationed at a decommissioned police precinct for her first solo shift. Throughout the night, she encounters increasingly disturbing and supernatural events linked to a cult led by John Malum, who had a connection to her late father, also a police officer. As the night progresses, Jessica uncovers the dark history of the cult and its ties to her family. She learns that her father had been investigating the cult and that his death was not a mere accident but a result of his involvement with them. The cult's influence permeates the precinct, manifesting in horrifying visions and violent occurrences. In the climax, Jessica confronts the malevolent force behind the cult, realizing that her fate is intertwined with the sinister legacy left by her father. The movie concludes with Jessica making a sacrificial decision to end the cult's reign of terror, but the ambiguous ending leaves viewers questioning whether the evil has truly been vanquished or if it will continue to haunt her and others.